St Mary’s High School Parent, Teacher and Friend Association (PTFA) was established in December 2013. The aims and objectives of the PTFA are to advance the education and wellbeing of the pupils of the school by providing or assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the school.
This includes:
Promoting close co-operation and communication between parents and teachers
Studying and discussing matters of mutual interest relating to the education and welfare of pupils
Engaging in activities which support and advance the education of the pupils attending the school, including fund-raising and after school activities or contribute to the education of the pupils by organising and assisting in fund raising activities.
Encouraging parental involvement in the life of the school.
Supporting the school.
Supporting each other as parents and
Providing advice and signposting when and where is necessary.
St Mary’s PTFA meet at least three times a year to organise a number of fundraising activities. In October we had a very successful quiz in the Bank Bar, raising over £500. This provides valuable funding for the PTFA and allows the PTFA to contribute to school charities and events. We also support school Departments such as Music and English, who will benefit from new resources bought with the funds raised. The PTFA are also tasked with hosting an annual information evening for parents. Some of our successful talks in the past have been on Social Media and Internet Safety.
During the Year 8 Prayer Service, the PTFA attend. This is an opportunity for parents to meet with members and also register their interest in supporting the activities of the PTFA.
Our Annual Uniform Recycling Shop is very successful and has been running a number of years. We advertise our stock and parents are able to source uniforms at the end of June and August months. This is not only an environmentally friendly initiative, it also supports our parents financially, by providing low cost, quality uniform items. This is held once or twice a year. ​
We continually receive the advice, respect and support of Miss Crawley, Mr Fitzpatrick and all the Teaching Staff. We hope to progress with a number of activities throughout the coming year and invite parents to come forward with ideas, suggestions that we could develop and take forward. We also invite your active participation in practical terms such as attending fundraising activities. If you are interested in being involved in the work of the PTFA you are more than welcome to join us.
The PTFA has also been working on improving how we communicate with each other. Our PTFA events should be available on the school app or the webpage www.stmarysnewry.com. It provides information about the PTFA events and updates on our activities. If you wish to contact us, please forward any correspondence to the School Office marked for FAO PTFA.