The Junior SVDP Society in St. Mary’s has been very busy this year organising several fundraising and friendship activities. We sold and delivered Christmas cards and candy canes, collected gifts under the Christmas Giving Tree, collected boxes of pens and pencils for Zambian street children from KS3 classes and sold and delivered Easter greetings cards with chocolate lollies. We also enjoyed a Pancake Tuesday Friendship lunch when we each invited a friend to join us for lunch in room 14. We had lots of goodies, not just pancakes that day! The gift of friendship is meant to be shared and we are keen to work on that. In total we have donated £220 to SVDP in Newry and Christmas gifts to some families. Barry Traynor brought out the pens and pencils to the street children in Zambia and they are over the moon with all their new equipment. Mrs Kearney would like to congratulate this fantastic committee on all their hard work this year – “you have really made a difference girls and I look forward to more exciting ideas next year”. Well done!!